10-19-22: Solving Problems:
The VCC board of directors would like to make our Zoom meetings more interactive by restoring one of the hallmark aspects of our in-person meeting format. We want to try problem solving once again. Of course, it will have to be somewhat different from the old way, in that we have to ask that you email us a COMPLETE description of the problem by no later than noon on the Wednesday before the Friday meeting. Your issue will be turned over to the problem solver best suited to find a solution. Then, following the presentation and any follow-up questions related to the talk that was just given, the problem solvers will deliver the results of their research. The folks who used to stick around for the Problem Solving sessions, back when we met in person, almost always learned something. So, give this new approach a try, you might learn something too.
Email us your problem, with as much detail as you can, to “[email protected]”. In order to give the problem solvers a fighting chance to provide as relevant a solution as possible, you MUST provide as much of the following info as you are able: your name & phone number; type of computer i.e., desktop, all-in-one, or laptop; OS and the version of the OS you are using; name of the anti-virus program installed, an indication of which version of Malwarebytes you use (free or premium), name of your default browser, name of your ISP; connection type: wireless or Ethernet cable; and if it is a printer problem, tell us if the printer is attached to your PC wirelessly or via a printer cable. If the problem involves an Android smart phone or tablet, please also be as specific as possible. Lastly, if an error message was generated, we need the exact wording of that message.
You can also use the VCC Computer Problem Solving Form as a guide, or better yet fill out the form and attach it to your email. The form can be found in Self-Help, Section “01. How to (Do Things)” on our website. You can download & save it, and then fill it out and save it OR print the blank form, fill it in by hand and then scan and save. We will share more details as they become available. Just remember, the more specific info you provide the problem solvers, they in turn will be better able to provide you with more accurate solutions.
The VCC DOES NOT support Apple: iPads, iPhones, or Mac PCs. For help with these Apple devices, we suggest you contact The Villages Apple User Group: https://www.tvaug.org/
The VCC board of directors would like to make our Zoom meetings more interactive by restoring one of the hallmark aspects of our in-person meeting format. We want to try problem solving once again. Of course, it will have to be somewhat different from the old way, in that we have to ask that you email us a COMPLETE description of the problem by no later than noon on the Wednesday before the Friday meeting. Your issue will be turned over to the problem solver best suited to find a solution. Then, following the presentation and any follow-up questions related to the talk that was just given, the problem solvers will deliver the results of their research. The folks who used to stick around for the Problem Solving sessions, back when we met in person, almost always learned something. So, give this new approach a try, you might learn something too.
Email us your problem, with as much detail as you can, to “[email protected]”. In order to give the problem solvers a fighting chance to provide as relevant a solution as possible, you MUST provide as much of the following info as you are able: your name & phone number; type of computer i.e., desktop, all-in-one, or laptop; OS and the version of the OS you are using; name of the anti-virus program installed, an indication of which version of Malwarebytes you use (free or premium), name of your default browser, name of your ISP; connection type: wireless or Ethernet cable; and if it is a printer problem, tell us if the printer is attached to your PC wirelessly or via a printer cable. If the problem involves an Android smart phone or tablet, please also be as specific as possible. Lastly, if an error message was generated, we need the exact wording of that message.
You can also use the VCC Computer Problem Solving Form as a guide, or better yet fill out the form and attach it to your email. The form can be found in Self-Help, Section “01. How to (Do Things)” on our website. You can download & save it, and then fill it out and save it OR print the blank form, fill it in by hand and then scan and save. We will share more details as they become available. Just remember, the more specific info you provide the problem solvers, they in turn will be better able to provide you with more accurate solutions.
The VCC DOES NOT support Apple: iPads, iPhones, or Mac PCs. For help with these Apple devices, we suggest you contact The Villages Apple User Group: https://www.tvaug.org/